About Us

Innovation born out of frustration


Who is RELAXO?

From the dev studio that brought you TemporaryMute Volume Hotkeys for Android (2017).

The team consists of industry outsiders who love fanedits and comedy dubovers

Our Motto

To be the annoyance minimization substrate for your life.


Relaxo Adblocker could not have been possible without the forerunners in the space; Aero, AdJammer (Audio Fingerprinting) and Global Radio Adblocker (Machine Learning)

Generally speaking though there has been a serious lack of innovation in the whole traditional consumer TV space and it seems to only get worse with Smart TVs getting into bed with advertisers themselves. Relaxo is an attempt to drag the legacy UI and features of most Televisions into the future as should have happened 50 years ago.

What to expect in future?

Relentless improvements to UX and interface in the nightly builds to reach Live TV adblock perfection.

Why always free?

Relaxo will always have a free player better than all the rest due to one overarching belief:

No one within earshot of a TV should have to endure its undesirable output because someone else was inattentive to a screen.

To that end as many features as possible will be put in the hands of considerate family members to purify the living space of annoyance (free nighttime/quiet hours adblock, manual daytime use).

  1. Serve TV lovers; The app must be delightful and self-motivating to use.
  2. Perfect automation alongside all the new and expected creature comforts and user powers.

How is adblock ethical?

Relaxo gives the audience power over what continues to play on thier devices, in thier home, in real-time. We don't retransmit or supply any TV broadcast content whatsoever.

Individual complaints about annoying loud flashy ads at offensive times of day fall on deaf ears. On behalf of our users we negotiate profit sharing deals with TV Executives from a position of collective concern to ensure 100 more years of prime time television.