Tips & Tricks

To get the most out of the app.

main screen

Buttons Explained

kill adInstant Ad KillKills advert by falling back
Same AsDouble tapping the screen
Pressing CENTER_OK on TV remote
Waiting for system to trigger ad
Long pressToggle adblock system on/off
kill adKeep ThisSet current playing as new primary channel.
kill ad Long press

Rebuilds logo mask quickly


kill adReturn to AReturn to primary now
Same AsBack press (waits longer to retrigger)
Statusred: on C
white: on B
disabled: on A
Long pressN/A
kill adMain MenuSuggestions
Shutdown Timer
Movement Timer
All channels (big list)
Grouped lists of channels
Long pressN/A
kill adCodec HelperChange video codec or set logo corner
Long pressModal to change tunnelling mode (speed boost) or turn off logo splitting (wide logos)
Statusgreen waves:adblock working
white waves: screen capture not working
red dot: current logo corner being watched
lightning bolt is hardware codec
kill adNext ItemSwitch channel A with channel B
Long pressN/A
Infobar TextTap once to show next
Tap again to reshow now
multi-tap to show infobar indefinitely
Long pressShow these helpful tips about buttons or if help disabled goes to Application Settings
Logo ViewfinderTap to hide/show itself and toggle on/off the onsreen logo ink blot that covers the broadcast logo
  • Set overlapping timers for an all night watch path.

  • Use "shutdown timer - 0 mins" after setting your programme timer to show a blank screen right up until the movie starts.

  • Quick disable entire auto adblock feature by long pressing SKULL AND CROSSBONES icon

  • MAJOR FEATURE: Revert an incorrect advert detection by pressing UP or BACK or swipe up from the middle

  • Prevent any advert detection for a short time by pressing UP or swipe up from the middle

  • Hide big obnoxious broadcast logos from view, just tap the logo viewer window viewport (or left press infobar on TV) and we ink blot over it

  • [Bumpers] Long press on programme in the timer menu to avoid any playback of that channel during that show.

  • [TV Remote] Press LEFT to open quick menu and scan through whats on your recent channels, press DOWN to change bucket A,B,C,X.

Relaxo Player is TV without the unwanted interruptions. See screenshots of them in action.