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Blocking Superbowl Ads On Live TV In Real-time

Blocking Superbowl Ads On Live TV In Real-time

Relaxo Player is a video player for android that blocks ads on any 🛑LIVE IPTV stream, including those never before seen ads of the 🏈 NFL superbowl! Skip to how it works to see the magic.

The NFL is notorious when it comes to commercials. You are expected to endure a barrage of short and long ads, sometimes over 5 minutes long, sometimes back to back with islands of instant replays. That makes it exhausting to mute and unmute manually 100 times a day.

We noticed NFL ads were a real challenge for v1 of our automatic TV adblocker, so we reworked and fine-tuned our generalist algorithm from the ground up to deal with them better just in time for Superbowl Sunday. It now works near flawlessly on-device.

Whether you just want to auto mute every loud adbreak without missing any visuals, or replace ads entirely with better content and never SEE another advert in your whole life, we've got you covered.

It's easy to get started:


  1. An android phone, tablet or android TV device
  2. Your existing .m3u8 Playlist URL populated with live IPTV channels and sports streams


  1. Download the free app (40 MB) from website -

  2. Install / Sideload the APK

    • Enable your browser to install 'unknown' apps
  3. Setup

    • On first run you must enter your existing M3U playlist URL (from your IPTV provider)

  4. Play Any Live Stream TV GUI

    • press [DPAD_LEFT] to open main channel menu, then select your desired channel as primary channel A for immediate playback
    • select the sports channel in your region as [X] to set a smart timer to jolt you to the NFL game right when it starts (not pictured)
  5. Choose Adblock mode

    • long press the [A,B,C,X SELECTOR] in channel menu to choose either muted adbreaks (default) or channel swap for the entire adbreak

      Adblock Channel Swap Mode .

      Adblock Working

  6. Relax

    • All ads are blocked automatically within 4 seconds (during beta)
    • Sound and content are automatically returned gently as soon as possible

How It Works

Logo Viewfinder

The system latches onto any broadcast logo in the corners, so you need to check the [ViewFinder] to see that the logo trace is accurate for each new stream or logo change. From then on it will better notice when the logo is missing i.e. an advert - which triggers auto mute.

Whilst this is highly accurate, some false positives can occur requiring you to declare your desire to keep watching by quickly pressing UP or vol UP, right when logo detection fails (due to logo mismatch issue).

Helpful Tips

Read more about How it works or see the user guide for tips on becoming a power user.

You're All Set

That's it! You are now protected against loud flashy ads whenever you watch big NFL games through IPTV and on other channels too because it turns out that once you can block ads of NFL you can pretty much block standard ads much easier, on account of them being more predictable.

Now you can make every night of TV feel like Superbowl Sunday just by bringing fresh content that you actually want to see to the forefront during TV adbreaks.

Remember, if it has a disappearing broadcast logo we can adblock it!

Please ❤ and share as the more who watch and provide human corrections the more accurate adblock can be for everyone including your favorite channel.

Appendix: Expected Results Based off previous NFL games - TBC

Longest Advert         7m44s
Total Adverts          44
Adverts Missed         0.0%
Total Time Saved       95m
Total Content Loss     5m09s
User Ad Exposure       1m13s
Total False Positives  4
Human Interventions    8  
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